Adam Smolarczyk's Site :
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Made on Amiga

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Name: 2hot4u
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: the land of oz
Time: 1999-11-11 20:30:00
Comments: i have no comments just thought i should sign for the heck of it

Name: Maria Grajewska
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1999-11-05 23:42:00
Comments: Hi there, We came to Canada from Poland. My maiden name is Smolarczyk. My parents are from Pulawy, Gora Pulawska, we have some family there (Janowskis).Smolarczyk is not very popular name, so I was wondering if we have the same roots? Best Regards, Maria

Name: Moe
Website: Bobby Orr
Referred by: Alta Vista
From: Toronto, Canada
Time: 1999-10-29 22:28:00
Comments: Hey, I like your site...keep up the good work!. Drop on by the official Moe Cascanette site featuring songs, videos downloads, guitar lessons and more...updated regularily!
Adam Says: What?

Name: Cupidess
Website: ^cupie^'s corner
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: sydney
Time: 1999-10-29 20:39:00
Comments: groovy

Name: -=DAYStAR=-
Website: -=\\MADS VISTAPRO SITE//=-
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Hayward, California
Time: 1999-10-14 03:49:00
Comments: your site is HOT
keep up the GR8 work! now please sign my guestbook =_)

Name: LiZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ
Website: CYLANIXL - legends of insanity!!!
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: The MoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoN!!!
Time: 1999-10-08 18:48:00
Comments: I only came here due to the threat of Backstreet Boys CD's. That also happens to be my idea of the most extreme torture possible. I think you need more pictures of cute things.

Name: Lorri Weniton
Website: Human Nature's Cloud 9
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Adelaide, Australia
Time: 1999-10-05 16:11:00
Comments: Hey Hun, How are ya?? Long time, no speak!! Well, shame on me for not visiting your site again since last. I haven't talked to you in ages!! I'll email you as soon as I finish looking at your stie - promise! And look at who's got a web page!?? **Laughs** Not your fave people I know!! Well, enough of my crap! I'll shove off now! Take care hun! Love Lorri xxoo

Name: Margot
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: sydney
Time: 1999-09-29 18:57:00
Comments: Hey, i dont have an opening line, but, since you have a line and i have an opening...LOL jk. yeahyeah good is that a tictac in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

Name: Jade.
Website: The Lair of the Goddess.
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: The Hole.
Time: 1999-09-14 19:53:00
Comments: Adam. This is lovely. This is great. Hope u go well in your H.s.C.

Name: Lisi
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Juneau, Alaska USA
Time: 1999-09-01 14:11:00
Comments: Nice Homepage it's pretty cool!!!! =)

Name: Corzy
Website: Corzy's Page.
Referred by: Net Search
From: Melb. Australia.
Time: 1999-08-30 15:17:00
Comments: Well, I'm at school in a really boring Geography class and I searched I am bored and your page came up. So here I am. I'm a 15 year old female form Melbourne, and I have way too much time on my hands!

Name: Your sweety pie Dani
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: where do you want me to be from
Time: 1999-08-28 23:07:00
Comments: hi im danielle and im an aries. My interests are hanging out with friends on dateline and meeting people on the internet. I think your site is great and i hope to meet you one day. I never leave my house but you can call me on date line. Hope to see you on dateline soon you sexy beast. Totally devoted to you Vixxy

Name: Gemma
Website: the other other shitty homepage
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: rockingham, W.A
Time: 1999-08-28 22:49:00
Comments: hey there, cool site!

Name: ~krayzie~
Website: ~krayzie's world~
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: new york
Time: 1999-08-19 05:09:00
Comments: hey adam, back again, hehe. just letting everyone know that i've moved my site and updated it a lot. got a few kewl new features, blah blah blah. oh, and thanx for signing my guestbook. ya notice how i have to write in colors? hehe, i like being different. ok, well...c-ya. ~krayzie~

Name: Stuart Grice
Referred by: Amiga Ring
From: Widnes, approx.17km south of Liverpool, England
Time: 1999-08-15 14:36:00
Comments: Christ, you look a dead ringer for a good mate of mine, even down to the blue coat! The automotive page is a top idea, being a Car enthusiast myself (I have had a Ford Fiesta RS Turbo for three years). I will probably find this as useful as all the Amiga stuff here, which is cool. Good work fella!

Name: Sengir
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Brisbane
Time: 1999-08-07 00:41:00
Comments: Oh yeah funny comment bout me :P yep im a REALLY after Marty
Adam Says: Okay then, have fun. Let us examine the evidence - your entry is stamped 1999-08-07 00:41:00, hers 1999-08-06 23:53:00. So yes, you are after Marty.

Name: Oddy
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: rumour has it the stork brought me
Time: 1999-08-06 23:53:00
Comments: The "butt" comment...I really don't think the strange looks are for *that*, specifically - I tell him all sorts of strange things about you! :P (I really hope you don't believe that)
Adam Says: Yes... Thanks for visiting, Mrs Jarvis.

Name: ~krayzie~
Website: ~krayzie's page~
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: k-town, NY, usa
Time: 1999-08-03 04:27:00
Comments: hey, whats up? thanx for signing my guestbook. u have a kewl page here. i though some of ur Q&A were pretty funny and i really like how u responded to some of these people in the guestbook. well, keep up da good work. my icq # is 7466158 c-ya ~krayzie~

Name: Stacey
Website: Eeyore somethingorother (not finished yet)
Referred by: Another Home Page
From: Roosevelt, OK USA
Time: 1999-07-31 17:14:00
Comments: My page isn't finished yet. Probably won't be for a while. I'm only signing this because you're Haydn's friend, but it is a worthy site. Worthy of what, I don't know. It's entertaining, though. But then again, it may not be. It is 2:04 AM here in the central time zone of the great US of A, and I am a little on the tired side. Not to mention the fact that I belong in a loony bin and my opinion doesn't really matter to anyone except me. OH SCHWELL! I'm talking to myself, me thinks. Stacey, stop it. I mean it! No! Not that. Anything but that. Ooops. Sorry. I've been talking with my friends and they make me REALLY hyper. I am not a little child. I know that's what you're thinking. I am 18 1/2 years old. Thank you very much. Go I must. Farewell. Bu-bye! hehehe

Name: Kym and JEss
Website: pics n shit
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Sydney
Time: 1999-07-30 20:09:00
Comments: hay, how did u get how addy to our webpage?? and not too foul??? what the hell ??? anyway, nice page, catch ya
Adam Says: IRC. I don't know... Thanks, see ya.

Name: claire
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: minno
Time: 1999-07-30 19:19:00
Comments: hey cool page

Name: buggy16
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: mother dearest
Time: 1999-07-15 22:02:00
Adam Says: That's the most ridiculous statement in this entire guestbook. "Hanson don't suck", now really...

Name: Erin
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: brisbane
Time: 1999-07-13 21:47:00
Comments: good good good A+ work heheheheh shucks

Name: YiBbLeS
Website: Yibbles's Page
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: SYdney
Time: 1999-07-02 18:50:00
Comments: howdy doody tos me kt, the one obsessed with the kewl hair guy anyway good site gota go now cya keep it up
Adam Says: Thanks for visiting - but please don't point that banana at me.

Name: Icebaby15
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: victoria/australia
Time: 1999-06-06 17:37:00
Comments: hey Adam this would have to be the funniest web page i've ever read you seem like a legend catch you in irc see ya
Adam Says: Ah yes, yes I am a legend.

Name: Susi
Website: My Homepage
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Germany
Time: 1999-06-01 00:04:00
Comments: Hey Adam! Thanx for the entry in my guestbook!

Name: Melissa
Website: Purple Daisies
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Australia
Time: 1999-05-18 19:58:00
Comments: Hey Adam, i cant remember if i've signed your guestbook or not, i prolly have though. But i'm bored so i'll sign it again, how's that?? Do you feel special??? Um... yeah... anyway.. Cool page, i really like the "Rant" part. Cya Melissa.

Name: Lorri Weniton
Referred by: ICQ
From: Adelaide
Time: 1999-04-17 22:15:00
Comments: Hi Adam,Well I promised I would visit ages ago, but had difficulty loading your page, but as promised, I"m here and you've done a great job!!Love LorriP.S I know that you secretly must like've got to...**laughs**
Adam Says: Some say there's two sure things in life - death and taxes. No mention of liking Human Nature, see what I'm saying?

Name: Amanda Merrett
Referred by: IRC
From: Campbelltown
Time: 1999-04-10 21:11:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Daisy
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
Time: 1999-04-06 20:21:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Debbie
Website: Akamai's Adventures in Wonderland
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Time: 1999-04-04 23:07:00
Comments: Great job, keep up the good work!!!

Name: BunHead
Website: My Home Page (unfinished)
Referred by: IRC
From: South Oz
Time: 1999-03-27 20:44:00
Comments: Heya Adam! Heaps good long did it take ya...I couldnt be bothered makin my homepage this good... hope to see 'steempy' online soon... bye!

Name: eliza
Website: ~*B*~
Referred by: IRC
From: Melbourne/Taipei
Time: 1999-03-26 17:27:00
Comments: righto. it's the 2nd i try to type you some message. your page is cool...i will need to come back often.. very interesting.*nods* gotta go take caare liz

Name: Scott Smolarczyk
Referred by: ICQ
Time: 1999-03-22 11:37:00
Comments: We may be in the same family tree. I'll have to go back and interrogate some old relatives. Nice page. Hope the Australian summer is treating you well. The Chicago winter usually has no mercy on me.

Name: Kristi
Website: LdyBug's Page!
Referred by: Viewing another Guestbook
From: Long Island, NY USA
Time: 1999-03-21 03:56:00
Comments: Hi, nice page. I like what u did with it so keep up the good work. How did you add those choices to the: How did you find my site? You really must know a lot about computers. All i know is HTML. Just wanted to say my cuz's b-day is february 16, too. Alright keep up the good work! Thanks for signing my guestbook, too! Did you find me through Lycos? how did you? e-mail me! bye!

Name: Haberalifield
Website: Welcome To Happyland!
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Zark...pardon me... Como...yeah I know you never heard of it! It's in Sydney. South Sydney.
Time: 1999-03-08 20:02:00
Comments: hey =0) I don't usually go sign other peoples guestbooks just cos they've to the great lengths of signing mine...but hey... I have work to do... procrastination is required.... Yeah! I'm sure you have a great site and all but Ican't see it cos Ihave graphics switched off... it is a much more intelligent use of frames than ya usually see, I have to day. I hate frames yet I like your page...that says something yeah I'll stop blathering now. Where the hell's Hurlstone? Oh hang on..that's probably not a smart question from someone who lives in a place called Como... Ignore it *grin* mI allowed to ask how you found my page or is it state secret? Blaaah. Economics exam to study for... YUCK. Seeya round (or most likely not...seeing as I don't know you....] --Alicat
Adam Says: Thanks for making an exception and signing my guestbook. Thanks for visiting, too. I hate frames with a passion, myself, never have used them. I've tried to make the site accessible to those browsing without images. Hurlstone Ag High is at Glenfield. Not too sure how I found your page, in all honesty.

Name: Danni
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Bathurst
Time: 1999-02-27 20:05:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Haydn
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Melbourne
Time: 1999-02-23 20:25:00
Comments: My friend, this is a top site, and Your guestbook is heaps better than Mine! May I suggest a little less white for the backgrounds? Keep updating!!
P.S. Did You script this site Yourself, or did You use a HTML editor???
Very Good.
Adam Says: Thanks for coming by. I don't like HTML editors myself, I use only a plain text editor program to make my pages.

Name: Carl Nicholls
Referred by: Voices Inside My Head
From: Melbourne
Time: 1999-02-20 09:00:00
Comments: I found you from Yahoo, I am viewing your impressive site on my 4000T and it sure looks good, well done Adam,

Name: Iolanthe
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sydney Australia
Time: 1999-02-13 20:36:00
Comments: Cool home page, dude!! Esp. liked the "About me" section!!
Adam Says: Thanks for visiting.

Name: Naushee
Website: I have no idea how to make one or I would have done so.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Such questions should be left along with
Time: 1999-02-02 13:08:00
Comments: PRIVATE

Name: Sarah McCabe
Referred by: IRC
From: Parkes,nsw
Time: 1999-01-31 17:38:00
Comments: thanks for the email, sorry it took me so long to reply, you page is pretty cool.i havent even been near my computer for ages so when i did what should i see but an email from you :) what s lovely surprise.Also there was another one from a girl saying she had the same name as me! Lucky her.Well i gotta go, thanks for the email and the addresses,hope to see you on irc soon :) Sarah (StArZ16f)
Adam Says: Ah, wonderful. My evil plan worked. See ya.

Name: Craig Martin
Referred by: Net Search
From: Melbourne
Time: 1999-01-25 08:54:00
Comments: Found your site while looking for the new address of Computa Magic
Adam Says: Thanks for visiting. I've sent you an e-mail with that info.

Name: Jadey Wadey
Referred by: IRC
From: Ingleburn
Time: 1999-01-17 23:14:00
Comments: Errrr adam is a silly bum and he knows all the colours in the homo rainbow Love Jade
Adam Says: I deny everything.

Name: alison (musk)
Referred by: IRC
From: adelaide
Time: 1999-01-15 11:57:00
Comments: PRIVATE

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